Clinics and Services

Please click each heading to read more information about the services we offer:

Travel Clinic Appointments

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel please download and complete the Travel Questionnaire below:

Travel Itinerary Questionnaire

It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible – at least 8 weeks before you travel.  Some vaccines have to be ordered as they are not a stock vaccine and you may need a second appointment which should be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.

Once this has been completed and given to the surgery you will be able to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine which vaccinations are required.

Please also visit Fit for Travel website to check which vaccinations are needed for the countries you are visiting, and bring a copy of the relevant pages to your travel appointment.

Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.

INR Clinic

Patients who take the anti-coagulation drug Warfarin need a regular blood test called an INR to monitor the dose of Warfarin they need to be taking. We have a dedicated clinic called the INR Clinic that is held on Monday and Thursday afternoons where a fingertip blood test is taken from the patient. The sample is then immediately tested using a small device called a CoaguChek System. The result takes less than 1 minute to process and the trained clinic staff then follows a protocol to give instructions about the dose of Warfarin the patient should continue on and when the next blood test is due. The next appointment may be booked at the same time.

The CoaguChek System was kindly donated by the ”Friends of Chawton House”. 

Minor Surgery & Steroid Injections

Minor surgical treatment is available on Wednesday mornings for conditions not requiring the facilities of a main hospital.

We also hold a clinic on Friday mornings for joint injections. You will need to be assessed by a GP before booking in for either of these clinics.

Phlebotomy (Blood Tests)

We offer blood tests at the surgery by appointment. Please call us on 01590 672953 to book in to a 10-minute blood test slot.  Please note we can only provide this service between 8:30am and 3:30pm, Monday – Friday.

For blood tests outside of these hours, you can also book in to Lymington New Forest Hospital. Click here to book online or call 02381 204877: the lines are open from 08.00am – 06.00pm Monday – Friday

Cervical Screening

These clinics are held at various times during the week with the practice nurse.  We recommend that all people with cervixes from 25 years to 64 years  have regular cervical smear tests.

A reminder will be sent to you by the Health Authority when your smear is due and the test will be carried out by the practice nurse.  At this appointment the nurse will also give you advice on your general health and on breast self-examination.  Please inform us of any change of address.

Contraception/Family Planning

A full range of confidential advice and services including emergency contraception are available by appointment with the doctor or practice nurse. You can also get more information about local services by going to

Ante-natal Services

Maternity care is shared between your doctor and the midwife. If you think you are pregnant, please make an appointment to see your doctor, who will book you in to the appropriate hospital. Throughout your pregnancy you will be monitored by the midwife and at the surgery by your doctor.


According to recommendation, we offer annual flu vaccinations to patients over the age of 65 years and patients with chronic diseases such as heart, chest and kidney diseases and those suffering from diabetes. It is also recommended for those patients who are immuno-compromised. Please contact our reception staff in September for further details and dates of the forthcoming clinics.

We offer Covid-19 vaccinations as part of the national scheme. If you are eligible, you will be invited by the NHS Covid Booking service. We run a number of vaccination clinics here, or you can call the NHS Covid line on 119.

We also offer pneumonia vaccinations to patients over the age of 65 years. In most cases it is only necessary to have one vaccination against pneumonia.  Please ask at reception for details.

Shingles vaccinations are available to older people in certain age groups. Click here for more information.

Stop Smoking Clinic

Smokefree Hampshire, the local NHS stop smoking service, offers both one-to-one appointments and drop-in clinics at venues all over the locality. If you are unable to attend regular sessions you can enrol for telephone support, with your adviser ringing you at agreed times. For more information, go to Smokefree Hampshire | Your Stop Smoking Service or ring 0845 602 4663.


We have our own in-house Physiotherapist who runs clinics at the surgery all day on Thursdays and Friday mornings. Please call the surgery if you’re interested in booking an appointment.

Patients can also self-refer themselves for Physiotherapy at Lymington New Forest Hospital using this link:

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy teams work with patients who have problems with their muscles, joints and musculoskeletal pains. This includes injuries or conditions affecting your:

  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Cartilage
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Joints
  • Nerves

We also run a number of regular monitoring clinics to help you be proactive about your health:

Respiratory Monitoring

We invite all patients with Asthma or chronic chest problems to have an annual review in the Respiratory Clinic run by a specially trained nurse. Your symptoms can be discussed and your inhalers and technique can be checked. If you smoke, advice on stopping smoking successfully can be given as stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can do for the greatest benefit to your health.

An annual review could help you control your symptoms and avoid future hospital admissions, so we encourage you to attend when invited.

Primary Prevention Clinic

This clinic is run by our Health Care Assistants (HCAs).  We invite all patients who have high blood pressure (hypertension) or other risk factors for circulation problems, such as high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease or pre-diabetes, to attend the Primary Prevention Clinic on an annual basis.

Primary Prevention means looking at all the factors that make some patients more likely than others to develop heart and circulation problems. These are known as risk factors. The reason why patients are treated for high blood pressure or high cholesterol is because these factors put them at increased risk of developing heart and circulation problems such as stroke in the future. Where risk factors are identified, such as having high blood pressure, your doctor or nurse can then work with you to help reduce the chance of developing heart or circulation problems.

You will be given a form to have a blood test a few days before your Primary Prevention Clinic appointment and asked to submit some blood pressure readings. When have your review, you will be asked some questions about yourself and given any necessary advice about things you can do to help yourself. The HCA can arrange for you to see a doctor should any change to your medication be required.

Research over the past few years has shown much more clearly what steps can be taken to reduce your risk of circulation or heart related problems so we would encourage you to attend when invited.

Cardiovascular Disease Review

We invite all patients who have had any of the following conditions to be reviewed annually in our Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Prevention clinic:

  • Heart attack
  • Angina
  • Stroke
  • Problems with circulation in their legs
  • Major risk factors for any of these conditions (including high blood pressure or high cholesterol)

The Nurse will ask you questions about yourself and will also give you any necessary advice about things you can do to help yourself. She will also make arrangements for you to see the doctor should any change to your medication be required.

You will be asked to have a blood test a few days before your clinic appointment and to submit some blood pressure readings.

Research over the past few years has shown much more clearly what steps can be taken to reduce your risk of further heart or related problems and so we would encourage you to attend when invited.

Diabetic Review

Patients with diabetes are invited to have an annual review with our Diabetes Specialist Nurse.

You will be asked to submit some home blood pressure readings and to have a blood test a few days before your appointment.

The  review can either be face-to-face at the Surgery or over the phone.

Medication monitoring

Some patients take medication that requires either regular blood tests and weight checks, or a blood pressure check, or a height and weight review. If you are on a medication that requires this, you will be invited to book in with one of our nurses.

If you think you should be included in this and haven’t been invited, please call the Surgery.