Register with our practice
We are always happy to register new patients living within our Practice boundary. We have an excellent team of doctors, receptionists, practice nurses and administration staff. Please click here for more information about them.
If you would rather not register online, we will need a Registration Form (PRF1) and a New Patient Questionnaire for each new patient. You can request a New Patient pack at Reception or print off the relevant forms from the links below. There is also a form to show your preferences for Data Sharing.
If you require any assistance, please see someone at Reception or ring the Surgery.
New Patient Questionnaire (Adult)
New Patient Questionnaire (Child)
New Patient Questionnaires in other languages
If you would like to register for NHS online services, please call in to the surgery and speak to our reception staff who will be pleased to help you.
If a registered patient moves away from our catchment area, they can request to remain registered here as an ‘Out of Area’ patient. Please note that the decision to accept an ‘Out of Area’ request is up to the Partners. We do not accept new patients who are living outside of our Practice boundary area.
Catchment Area (Practice Boundary)
Named GP
All patients are allocated a named GP on registration who is responsible for your overall care at the practice; if you are already registered, please contact us if you need to check who this is. If you have a preference as to your named GP, please let us know and we will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your request.
Continuity of care is a very important part of general practice so you will normally see the same GP at each visit. However this may not always be possible due to availability of appointments, which is why you are able to see anyone in practice. All clinicians have access to your clinical notes via the computer, but we do try to facilitate you seeing the doctor of your choice whenever possible.